输液 & 免疫治疗中心



输液 therapy is an effective way to administer medications to patients who cannot be treated efficiently with oral medications.  Located on the main floor of 亚博电竞 (3B) our accredited 输液 and 免疫治疗中心 offers a wide variety of treatments for cancer, 脱水, 类风湿性关节炎, 多发性硬化症, 偏头痛和其他需要输液治疗的疾病. 取决于你接受的是什么类型的注射, your stay at the 输液 and 免疫治疗中心 may be as little as 30 minutes or as long as 12 hours. Our dedicated pharmacists and registered nurses (RNs) oversee the delivery of treatment: our goal is to make your time with us as comfortable as possible, 同时为您提供安全, 优质和关怀关怀.

化疗 & 其他服务


We take a multidisciplinary approach to developing a personalized treatment plan for each patient. 如果化疗是你治疗计划的一部分:

  • Your oncologist (cancer doctor) prescribes the appropriate chemotherapy medications to treat your specific cancer condition. The frequency and length of your treatment will depend on your specific medications and dosages, 你的肿瘤医生会和你讨论治疗方案.
  • Our pharmacy specialists prepare medications specifically for your individual needs.
  • 我们的肿瘤护士, most of whom are nationally certified by the Oncology Nursing Society, 在我们的输液诊所进行化疗.

Additional 服务 Offered at our 输液 and 免疫治疗中心 Include:

  • 血液和血液制品输注
  • 骨髓穿刺和活检
  • 导管维护及教育
  • 静脉注射抗生素和水合作用
  • 放血治疗
  • 目标生物疗法


All procedures require pre-authorization from your insurance company, 在预定治疗前2-14天. You will receive a phone call from our patient access associates as soon as we receive authorization for your treatment.

Please expect an automated reminder all prior to your scheduled treatment to confirm your appointment. Please call us at least 48 hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule your treatment.

  • Having your labs drawn at least a day before your scheduled appointment may shorten your treatment time.
  • 如果你的化验结果是在治疗当天得出的, 可能需要30分钟到1小时才能收到结果.
  • 在很多情况下, your nurse must report the results to your physician before your medication is prepared. 有时,治疗可能会根据你的化验结果而推迟.

  • 除非你的医生另有指示, 输液前一天请多喝水. 考虑带一些个人消遣:书籍, 杂志, 笔记本电脑, ipad, ipod, 手机是不错的选择. Please bring headphones for your personal devices if you would like to enjoy music or entertainment.
  • 穿宽松舒适的衣服,让手臂触手可及. 如果你有一个端口,工作人员将需要进入你的胸部. 输液和免疫治疗中心的温度波动很大, 因此,请穿着舒适,并考虑多穿几层. 如果你觉得冷的话,总有暖和的毯子可用.
  • 欢迎您携带零食或便当. 我们鼓励吃很少或没有气味的食物. Trendz Café is across the lobby from the 输液 and 免疫治疗中心 and is open daily, 早上7点到晚上7点, 吃饭, 零食和饮料.

在 & 输液治疗后

  • 免费的, 许可证, reserved 输液 and 免疫治疗中心 self-parking spaces are in Lot A in front of the main hospital. The 输液 and 免疫治疗中心 will issue parking permits to those who need them.
  • 如需其他停车选择,请浏览我们的 地图页面.
  • For your convenience, a free shuttle service runs between Valley’s Oncology & 血液科诊所和医院的正门. Office staff at either location can assist you with calling the shuttle.

Because infusion medications vary in administration time and the 输液 and 免疫治疗中心 schedules patients based on the anticipated infusion time, 对你来说准时赴约是很重要的. 设有自助登记亭,方便办理登记手续. 一旦您完成登记入住, please proceed through the double doors to get your wristband from the front desk.

入住后,您将被护送到治疗室. The room includes storage for your personal belongings and a shared bathroom. A nurse will check your blood pressure, height, weight, and medical history.

  • 半私人房间,许多都有宜人的庭院和花园景观
  • 每个房间都有电视
  • 免费WiFi上网
  • 枕头和温暖的毯子
  • 可根据客人要求提供小吃和饮料. Please bring snacks and/or a sack lunch if you may want to eat during your treatment.
  • 免费的 interpreter services—please let us know if you would like an interpreter available during your infusion.

  • The pharmacy will prepare your treatment medications as ordered by the physician. For maximum effectiveness, these medications will be only prepared after you arrive.
  • 药物准备时间可能需要长达1小时.

  • Before Treatment Pre-Medication: Your physician may order medicine to prevent nausea or anxiety. 这可能需要大约30分钟.
  • Your total treatment time will vary depending on the type of regimen you receive.
  • Your nurse will be able to estimate the length of time of your treatment.

我们努力使我们的输液空间成为一个治疗环境. 因此,我们接待游客的空间有限. 每位病人只允许有一位访客. Due to the hazardous medications being administered in the 输液 and 免疫治疗中心, 12岁及以下儿童不得进入输液室.

输液 and 免疫治疗中心 observes the 亚博电竞 policy regarding animals. Only service animals are allowed access to areas of Valley open to the public, except in spaces where the treatment of the patient or other patients would be compromised by the service animal’s presence.

A service animal may accompany an individual into the waiting room of an ambulatory care area. A service animal will not be permitted into the treatment room of an ambulatory care area if the presence of the service animal compromises the treatment of a patient.


Please be open and honest with the staff about how your treatment is going and how you are feeling. 你会发现你会有好日子和坏日子. 我们在这里是为了你和你的照顾. 感谢您允许我们成为您医疗团队的一员. 

While in the 输液 and 免疫治疗中心, you may have many questions. 有任何问题请与输液护士讨论. 如果他们不能回答你的问题, it will be relayed to the appropriate staff or physician for an answer as soon as possible. 如果家里有问题,请打425给我们.228.3440或写下来,下次预约时再问.

Please arrange to have an escort available at the end of your treatment. 在你出院的时候, your nurse will provide you and your escort with important information about your treatment and discharge instructions. If you are given a medication to help you relax (sedative) during your treatment, 你将被要求有一个负责的人开车送你回家. 


输液 & 免疫治疗中心

呼叫 425.656.4037 传真 425.690.9075