Breast Center

breast center


你是否因为担心花费太多而推迟做乳房x光检查? 来自华盛顿州的好消息可能会让你更容易接受. Learn more. 


A Care Team Focused on Excellence for YOU

亚博电竞的乳房中心是一个门诊乳房成像中心,提供筛查和诊断乳房x光检查, breast ultrasound, breast biopsy and bone density screening.

The Breast Center at Valley is recognized as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR) in all breast imaging modalities:

  • Gold Seal: Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Gold Seal: Breast Ultrasound
  • Gold Seal: Mammography
  • Gold Seal: Stereotactic Breast Biopsy

Our expert and dedicated team of technologists, 放射科医生和辅助人员理解乳房筛查和诊断测试带来的焦虑. We have created a comfortable, 提供无与伦比的关怀和最先进的支持性环境, high quality imaging.

Services include:

  • 3D Mammography (digital breast tomosynthesis)
  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Ultrasound-guided Breast Biopsy
  • Stereotactic Breast Biopsy
  • Wire Localization
  • Bone Density Exam
  • Breast Cancer Risk Assessment

Bone Density (DEXA Scanning)


A DEXA scan, also called a bone density scan, is an imaging study that measures bone density (strength).  DEXA扫描结果可以提供有关骨质疏松症(骨质流失)和骨折(骨折)风险的有用细节。.    

在伦顿和科文顿的亚博电竞乳房中心都可以进行DEXA扫描. A physician referral is needed for a DEXA scan. Please talk with your healthcare provider.

What is a bone density test?

A bone density test, DEXA, 测量骨骼某些部位的矿物质含量.  It's a way to measure bone loss as you age. 

What is a DEXA scan?

A DEXA scan is a type of medical imaging test.  Getting a DEXA scan is similar to having a standard x-ray.  这是一个门诊测试,大约需要10-15分钟.  You are able to wear your regular clothes.  There are no needles or injections.

What is osteoporosis?

骨质疏松症是一个用来描述脆性骨骼和骨折风险的术语.  As you age, your bones can lose thickness and strength.  DEXA测试可以帮助您的医疗保健提供者跟踪您的骨密度和骨折的风险.  提供者经常使用DEXA测试来帮助诊断骨质疏松症.

Who should get a DEXA scan?

  • Women over age 65
  • Women or men experiencing loss of height
  • Postmenopausal women with fractures
  • 65岁以下的绝经后妇女,除绝经期外还有其他危险因素
  • Women considering therapy for osteoporosis
  • 正在考虑停止或已经停止激素替代疗法的患者

How often should a DEXA scan be done?

Your healthcare provider will consider several factors, such as your age, level of fracture risk, previous DEXA scan and current medications.  然后你的医疗保健提供者会制定一个个性化的计划来评估和保护你的骨骼健康.


Make your appointment today in Renton or Covington! Schedule directly through MyChart or learn more with our Mammography flyer. 及时预约对保持乳房健康至关重要. 让乳房健康成为你生活中的头等大事——每月做一次自我检查,并安排每年在伦顿或科文顿的乳房中心做一次乳房x光检查. Click here to learn how to schedule through MyChart.


 Every woman is at risk for breast cancer.  One in eight will develop the disease, 85%的确诊患者没有乳腺癌家族史.  这就是为什么亚博电竞乳房中心的专家认为乳房x光检查仍然是在早期和最可治疗阶段发现乳腺癌的最有效工具.

乳房x光检查是一种低剂量的x光检查,可以让放射科医生寻找乳房组织的变化.  亚博电竞乳房中心自豪地为患者提供3D乳房x光检查结合2D乳房x光检查作为我们的标准护理. 

The American College of Radiology, Society of Breast Imaging, National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 美国乳房外科医生协会建议从40岁开始对平均风险女性进行每年一次的乳房x光检查.  事实上,在早期发现的情况下,乳腺癌的平均五年生存率接近99%. 

Types of Screening 

  • Mammography
  • Breast MRI
  • Breast Ultrasound 


mychart_button.pngDirectly schedule your mammogram in MyChart.
( What is MyChart?)


亚博电竞的乳腺中心遵循严格的联邦指导方针,以确保乳房x光检查设备的安全.  The lowest doses of radiation are used, 同时更清晰地捕捉到乳房组织的三维图像. 

Advanced Imaging In Your Backyard

亚博电竞乳腺中心的数字乳房x光摄影技术在检测乳腺癌方面超越了传统的x光胶片. 数字图像提供了更高的清晰度,为我们的放射科医生阅读您的检查提供了最好的视角.

Because digital images can be shared online, 必要时,外科医生和其他专家可以毫不拖延地进行咨询. 您的乳房x光片还需要通过计算机化的R2 ImageChecker®进行额外的检查,以帮助放射科医生识别可疑区域. Should you need care beyond routine screening, 乳房中心提供全面的服务和协作, skilled practitioners to support you every step of the way.

亚博电竞乳腺中心自豪地为患者提供3D筛查乳房x光检查结合重建2D乳房x光检查作为我们筛查和诊断成像的标准护理. Our latest Genius 3D mammography™ 让医生一层一层地检查你的乳房组织. So, 而不是在平面图像中看到你乳房组织的所有复杂性, as with traditional 2D mammography, 精细的细节更加明显,不再被上面或下面的组织所隐藏.

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A Doctor with a Mission

Shannon Markegard, DO, a VMC Family Medicine physician, 她的家人是否经历过乳腺癌晚期诊断的心痛,以及早期发现的胜利.

“我的建议受到个人经历的影响:我的母亲在38岁时死于乳腺癌,我有很多30多岁和40多岁的乳腺癌患者,他们都战胜了这种疾病. 我想尽早发现这种癌症,这样女性就有更大的生存机会.

"Along with most healthcare providers, 我将继续建议从40岁开始每年进行一次乳房x光检查. Mammograms, along with clinical and self-exams of the breast, are all vital in detecting breast cancer early. 出于这个原因,我推荐我的病人和我自己去VMC的乳房中心. 我对他们的数字乳房x光检查设备、技术人员和放射科专家充满信心.”

Service Locations

Breast Center | Covington

Covington Clinic North
16850 SE 272nd St
Covington, WA 98042
Call 425.690.3688 Fax 425.690.9688

Breast Center | Renton

Medical Arts Center
4033 Talbot Road S Ste 470
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3688 Fax 425.690.9688